Monthly Archives: July 2009

Get to know the Barakat staff: Christina Dinh


We’d like you to get to know the faces and personalities behind the Barakat staff, so we’re bringing you a series of updates about each of our staff. We hope you have as much fun reading them as we did writing them.

Name: Christina Dinh

Photo 1






Hometown: South Windsor, CT

School: Northeastern University

What you do at Barakat: Development Assistant

Fun fact about yourself: I can speak 5 languages (Vietnamese, 2 dialects of Chinese, French, and of course, English!)

What have you learned working at Barakat: I have learned a lot about South and Central Asian society and culture as well as how these factor into education.

Favorite quote: “Freedom lies in being bold.” – Robert Frost

Heroes: My mom, She’s superwoman and I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.

You’re suddenly stranded on a desert island but naturally you got to bring your five favorite thins. They are:

-my SIGG bottle



-a good book to read

-cell phone (so I can be rescued eventually)

Most desired superpower: teleportation becuase travel is expensive and it would be awesome to travel to wherever I wanted in a flash.


Stayed tuned for more entries about our fantastic staff!

Damon in India: Where are the women?



My girlfriend Kate pointed out yesterday as we were walking along a crowded street in Jodhpur that women are conspicuously absent. “Where are the women?” she asked me.

I assume they’re at home. I don’t know where else they’d be. The portrait you get from the street is that India’s population is 95 percent men and 5 percent women. I suppose it’s unfair to generalize this to all of India, since Kate and I have only been to a few cities in Rajasthan, but here’s what we’ve seen.

Men drive rickshaws and taxis. Men tend shops. Men do construction. Men do demolition. Men work on roads. Men tailor clothes. Men run hotels. Men run restaurants. Men make chairs. Tour guides are men. Guards are men. Policemen are men. Travel agents are men. What do women do?

Here’s what I have seen women doing. I saw a couple women working at the railway reservation station, a government run agency. In the thousands of motor vehicles I’ve seen now, I have seen about 10 scooters operated by women. I’ve seen some women sweeping the street in the morning – again, paid by the government. I have seen women in transit: walking on the street, in a vehicle, and on the train. I have heard that girls go to school, although nearly all of the children I’ve seen in school uniforms so far are boys. And a couple of the people we have bought hand-made souvenirs from have said that their wives made the items.

The men we, as tourists, encounter are so immersed in their public world of men that they seem to look past Kate. It is a rare occasion that anyone addresses her (which she is actually pretty happy about, considering how often people approach us for something). I am the one they look to first. “Sir, where would you like to go?” “Sir, what would you like for dinner?” “Sir, biscuits or some water?” Sir, sir, sir. The few times that anyone has addressed Kate, they even call her “sir”. As far as I can see as an outsider, public life in India is men’s domain. I can only guess what most women do: housework and teaching?

The question comes to my mind, what does it matter that women are so underrepresented in so many types of work? Is it important at all? I’m sure a book could be written about this, but I came up with some short answers. Yes, it is important. It only seems fair that women should be able to do the same work as men if they want to. Women have aspirations outside of family life just like men. I imagine many would like to be able to pursue them, although I’m sure some are happy with what they are doing already. But the point is to have the option to pursue what you want to pursue. That’s what seems important to me about not seeing women anywhere.

So how can women have more opportunity? Simple: education. Education can give women the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in these jobs, and the confidence they need to find them. It can give men the understanding that women should have the freedom to do what they want. Having this freedom will help everyone. When half the working-age people in a country (women) aren’t free to pursue careers, there’s a lot of untapped potential in that country. Whether because of nurture or nature, there are a lot of areas in which women are more skilled and talented than men. Restraining what jobs they can have wastes those talents. And personally, something feels very unbalanced about a world in which every direction you look you see swarms of men.





UNESCO Host World Conference on Higher Education in Paris


Last week around 150 countries participated at The World Conference on Higher Education, calling on governments to increase investment in higher education, teacher training and greater regional cooperation.

The conference, held in Paris, covered issues like the impact of globalization on higher education, social responsibility, academic freedom, research and financing.

Want to know more? Read this UN News Release for more information.

Extra! Extra! More news


We’ve scoured the papers to bring you the latest news related to our mission. It looks like some columnists are taking an interest in Pakistan these days. The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristoff is teaming up with broadcast journalist Ann Curry to travel through the country. We’re staying up to date by reading Kristoff’s blog and the team’s Twitter updates.

Swat refugees begin to return home, Washington Post, July 14

Nicholas Kristof: His maternal instinct, New York Times, July 19

Thomas Friedman: Teacher, Can We Leave Now? No., New York Times, July 19

Let us know what you’re reading. Leave us a comment. We’d love to hear from you!

Damon in India: A few more photos


Damon attempted a horrifying task for many tourists and some men in general: shopping like the locals.

Luckily, Damon survived.


Stay tuned for more of Damon’s adventures! Just joining us? Catch up on what our executive director is up to as he travels through India by reading previous posts.

Take a step forward for education!


Have you registered to participate in our Walk for Literacy yet? The Walk, to be held on Saturday, Oct. 24 on the Cambridge Common, is a great way for you to support our cause. Plus it’s an excellent chance to exercise and enjoy some beautiful (fingers crossed!) fall weather.

Right now registration for the 5-mile walk is only $25. If you wait until the day of the event, it will be $40.

We’ll make it really easy for you. Just click on this link and you can register right away.


Done with that? Great! Now here’s the next step. Start raising money. Every little bit counts. Just $40 allows a girl to attend one of our literacy courses for an entire year!

A First Giving account makes donating easy. Check out the page we started and then create your own. Add a link to your facebook page or paste it into a tweet and your friends will start donating right away. Or send out an e-mail with a link to your page. Trust us – it works! In no time, you’ll be sending five girls to school for just $200.

Got some great fundraising tips you want to share? Let us know all about it and drop us a comment below!

Damon in India: 15 Hours to India


by Damon Luloff, Executive Director of Barakat

Our plane is taxiing across the airfield. It’s getting dark outside so there are already orange lights shining through the little windows on the sides of our plane. All I can hear are the low shirring of the engines and the yelps and babbles of young children. It seems like half the people on this flight are under five years old. Could they be as excited as I am about where we’re going?

I’m the executive director of Barakat, an organization based in Central Square, Cambridge. We run seven schools and over thirty literacy programs in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Our first school started in Pakistan in 1994. I’ve been working here almost two years and this is my first trip to see our programs first-hand. I am flying to India to check up on the two schools we run there. In a few hours I’ll be walking on Indian soil—to say I’m excited would not quite describe how I am feeling.

My mind is dizzy, like I’m watching clips of a movie that are out of order in super-fast forward. There are so many new experiences awaiting me in the month ahead and I wonder constantly about them. How will teachers greet me? What will happen to children’s eyes when I walk into their classrooms? How long will people hold handshakes? What gestures will parents make when discussing their children in school? What will stop signs look like? What kinds of jokes will people laugh at?

So many questions. I feel unable to think about a single one for more than two seconds before another enters my head. I don’t even know what to think about…I guess anticipation is not my forte.

Since I started working at Barakat two years ago, I’ve been promoting something I’ve never seen – our educational programs. I’ve told hundreds of people how public schools in Uttar Pradesh, India are so bad that most parents find it a waste of time; they would rather keep their kids at home where they can at least be useful and learn some trade applicable later in life. I’ve talked about how our home-based schools give over 800 girls in Afghanistan an opportunity they only dreamed of a few years ago – to be able to read and write. About how our teachers have gone door-to-door to hundreds of homes over the past 15 years, assuring conservative and reluctant parents that their daughters will not come into contact with boys outside of their families at our schools.

But I’ve never seen any of this first hand. I’m just retelling stories I’ve heard from our founder, Chris Walter and our program manager, Arti Pandey. Some days in the corner of our office, typing on my tiny laptop and squinting at my screen, I get exhausted—I wish I had a direct experience with children and parents in our schools to reflect on that would reinvigorate me and fill me with enthusiasm to keep my mind focused through the afternoon. All I can conjure up, though, are some cloudy visions of kids I’ve seen in Bollywood movies staring blankly at a chalkboard. I’m sure the classes are much more lively, but it’s hard for me to imagine.

So instead, my memory reverts to my time teaching in a high school in Guinea and working on community development projects in a refugee camp in Zambia. From these three years of experience, I can recall plenty of crystal-clear images of children and youth struggling to receive an education. I remember walking alongside a student to his home nearly 8 miles from school down a path he walked every day, just for the chance to go to college. I remember a circle of pre-school boys and girls literally jumping up and down, sitting in the shade of a tree and excitedly pointing at dogs, airplanes and mangoes in children’s books – building an enthusiasm for what a great feeling it is to learn something new. And I remember watching a friend of mine cry when he found out his high school scholarship wouldn’t be renewed. He’d have to work for two more years to save up enough to graduate.

While those stories give me renewed enthusiasm for the importance of education and the determination people have to learn new skills and ideas, it doesn’t perfectly translate. Afghanistan is different from Guinea and India from Zambia. The people living in these places all desire education, but the challenges and obstacles keeping them from realizing that dream are different.

I am now thirty minutes into a trip that will give me the chance to see those challenges first-hand. To see how they affect real people with real lives that seem like hazy outlines in the distance. These challenges will help me understand how Barakat makes a difference and who it makes a difference to.

I’m not sure what this trip will be like or how I’ll feel about it as it progresses. But I do know that it will be real and that when I return to crouch over my tiny laptop in the corner of my office in Central Square, I’ll be able to remember those real people. It will remind me that I have shaken their hands and heard their voices— that’ll be more than enough to get me through a few years worth of afternoons.

The Girl Effect



Six million adolescent girls live in poverty.

That’s two times the U.S. population. At 12, a girl is less likely to be in school than a boy worldwide. At 15, it’s likely she can’t read and is on the road to an early marriage. She has a disproportionately higher risk for HIV infection.

Studies show again and again that by providing girls with education, they become less likely to marry early, will have fewer children, lead healthier lives and ensure that their children will be educated. They may go on to run businesses through microfinance programs and improve the larger economy. They will gain confidence and strength, helping to end stigmas.

The Girl Effect is working to help bring about that kind of change. Rooted in the work of the Nike Foundation and assisted by several other organizations including the UN Foundation and the International Center for Research on Women, The Girl Effect is a growing $55 million portfolio of girl-specific investments. Their Web site has a great video and tons of fact sheets loaded with information about girls in the developing world.

Like The Girl Effect, Barakat works to help adolescent girls by keeping them in schools and providing them with the hope and confidence to improve their world.